Intensive Couples Therapy Weekend
When our needs don't get met, it hurts. Our hurt tends to get expressed as anger. We end up having petty arguments; then, can't even remember what what we were arguing about. Too many couples feel lonely even when they are together. The love letters stopped a long time ago. Sex happens as quickly as possible while the kids are asleep. Even living in the same house, we do not spend a great deal of time talking about our relationship. We talk about work, the kids, the finances, the house, the car, our friends, and our family. Yet, we wonder why our relationships are failing. If your relationship isn't strong and balanced, your life will reflect it through your kids, your finances, your job, and even your health.
Does it seem like all you and your spouse do is argue?
When was the last time the two of you had sex?
Do you find yourself longing for the way it was when you first met?
Do you ever wish the two of you could just get away from everything and have time to focus on nothing but your relationship?
We will address issues including: communication, conflict resolution, finances, parenting, spirituality, intimacy, and sexual expectations. I will be available outside of scheduled sessions for brief consultation or emergencies.
Cost: $2500 (subject to current hotel rates)
* Note: 50% non-refundable deposit required at time of booking.*
Weekend includes: